Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is it too late to show her the real me?

i like this girl and i'm kinda nice and stright forward with her i told her all these things like she is beautiful and special to and i adore her and i think the world of her, i sent her poems and so on

im out of high school now but when i was going to school i was really shy around her and she really did not know what kinda personality i had then we started taking on myspace and i feel like im been coming off as being solft and i know that girls like guys with confident and to have the bad boy side but the thing is im not that solft im kinda stuburen and i have alot of personality and im really funny

my first impresion i have been showing her all my sweet sides because i feel like she is more speical to me more then the others and i wanna know is it too late to show her the real me?

Is it too late to show her the real me?

No its never to late, its definitly better to show her the 'real you' then to hide it all your life. And its not that thats not the real you .. thats just the side you showed her first, don't be afraid . Show her all the parts!

Is it too late to show her the real me?

If she has a boyfriend, then it might be. If not, and you can get in touch with her, then why would it be? Call her and talk to her on the phone. If you go to a college near where she is, then hang out with her.

Is it too late to show her the real me?

it's never too late!

but transition slowly, you don't want to shock her or make her think you were being fake or even worse, trying too hard to impress her!

Is it too late to show her the real me?

dude.....keep acting friendly.if u want to show ur true slef" then no one is going to like u. maybe she brings out the nice person out of u.

Is it too late to show her the real me?

It's never too late...It's better late than

Just be her wat u got...

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